Pre-scientifc thesis awarded with Dr. Hans Riegel-Fachpreis 2024


Sebastian Frais, co-supervised by Dr. Franz Jirsa from the environmental chemistry group, won a second place in the chemistry category.

On June 26th the University of Vienna and the Kaiserschild Foundation awarded the "Dr Hans Riegel Fachpreise" for excellent pre-scientific theses by Viennese high school graduates in the fields of biology, chemistry, computer sciences, geography, mathematics and physics during a ceremony in the auditorium on the university campus.

Sebastian Lenard Frais was awarded the 2nd place in the chemistry category for his thesis "Die Donau und der Neusiedler See, zwei inkompatible Gewässer" ("The Danube and Lake Neusiedl, two incompatible bodies of water"). He was supervised by his chemistry teacher Doris Gasser and did the laboratory work under the guidance of Franz Jirsa from the environmantal chemistry group at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry.

The "Dr Hans Riegel Fachpreise" are awarded annually by German and Austrian universities in cooperation with the Dr Hans Riegel Foundation and the Kaiserschild Foundation. Selected by a jury of experts, they recognise outstanding pre-scientific theses with the aim of promoting young talent in the field of mathematics and science and furthering the exchange between the schools and universities.


Middle to right: Sebastian Frais, Dr. Franz Jirsa and Mag. Doris Gasser, on the left vice rector Ronald Maier