The Lipid Metabolism as Target and Modulator of BOLD-100 Anticancer Activity: Crosstalk with Histone Acetylation

Dina Baier, Theresa Mendrina, Beatrix Schoenhacker-Alte, Christine Pirker, Thomas Mohr, Mate Rusz, Benedict Regner, Martin Schaier, Nicolas Sgarioto, Noël J.M. Raynal, Karin Nowikovsky, Wolfgang M. Schmidt, Petra Heffeter, Samuel M. Meier-Menches, Gunda Koellensperger, Bernhard K. Keppler, Walter Berger

The leading first-in-class ruthenium-complex BOLD-100 currently undergoes clinical phase-II anticancer evaluation. Recently, BOLD-100 is identified as anti-Warburg compound. The present study shows that also deregulated lipid metabolism parameters characterize acquired BOLD-100-resistant colon and pancreatic carcinoma cells. Acute BOLD-100 treatment reduces lipid droplet contents of BOLD-100-sensitive but not -resistant cells. Despite enhanced glycolysis fueling lipid accumulation, BOLD-100-resistant cells reveal diminished lactate secretion based on monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) loss mediated by a frame-shift mutation in the MCT1 chaperone basigin. Glycolysis and lipid catabolism converge in the production of protein/histone acetylation substrate acetyl-coenzymeA (CoA). Mass spectrometric and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses uncover spontaneous cell-free BOLD-100-CoA adduct formation suggesting acetyl-CoA depletion as mechanism bridging BOLD-100-induced lipid metabolism alterations and histone acetylation-mediated gene expression deregulation. Indeed, BOLD-100 treatment decreases histone acetylation selectively in sensitive cells. Pharmacological targeting confirms histone de-acetylation as central mode-of-action of BOLD-100 and metabolic programs stabilizing histone acetylation as relevant Achilles’ heel of acquired BOLD-100-resistant cell and xenograft models. Accordingly, histone gene expression changes also predict intrinsic BOLD-100 responsiveness. Summarizing, BOLD-100 is identified as epigenetically active substance acting via targeting several onco-metabolic pathways. Identification of the lipid metabolism as driver of acquired BOLD-100 resistance opens novel strategies to tackle therapy failure.

Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Joint Metabolome Facility, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry Centre
External organisation(s)
Research Cluster Translational Cancer Therapy Research, University of Montreal, Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Medizinische Universität Wien
Advanced science
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
301904 Cancer research
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Medicine (miscellaneous), General Chemical Engineering, General Materials Science, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous), General Engineering, General Physics and Astronomy
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
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