Chemical and photochemical error rates in light-directed synthesis of complex DNA libraries
- Author(s)
- Jory Lietard, Adrien Leger, Yaniv Erlich, Norah Sadowski, Winston Timp, Mark M. Somoza
- Organisation(s)
- Department of Inorganic Chemistry
- External organisation(s)
- European Bioinformatics Institute, Erlich Laboratories Ltd, Technische Universität München, Johns Hopkins University
- Journal
- Nucleic Acids Research
- Volume
- 49
- Pages
- 6687-6701
- No. of pages
- 15
- 0305-1048
- Publication date
- 07-2021
- Peer reviewed
- Yes
- Austrian Fields of Science 2012
- 106002 Biochemistry, 106023 Molecular biology
- Keywords
- ASJC Scopus subject areas
- Genetics
- Portal url